Black people have been stereotyped within the media throughout history, first in stories and novels, then in plays and now in films. Alot of modern day, African American stereotypes have grown from the late 1890's to the mid 1950's. 
The Tom-
The Tom was generally an older gentleman who would sit around telling stories to the local children. He would be represented as care free and jolly, also referred to as "happy clarky".

The Mammy-
The Mammy  traditionally takes care of everyone, she's seen as a strong lady who know one messes with, she does what shes told and expects other to do the same. She is never seen in a feminine way and is traditionally a bigger lady who hides her body and her hair.  

The Coon- 
The coon is seen as the clown, he's perceived as stupid and inarticulate, and his role is to give white people something to make fun of.

The Trickster- 
The Trickster is the man who can talk his way out of anything, He always has a quick come back or a lie to get himself out of trouble. He is often a loveable character who makes people laugh.

The Tragic Mulatto-
The tragic mulatto is usually a young mixed  race woman, she's often raised in the white world but is never accepted as being neither white or black. Her character often has a forbidden love affair with a white man.  

The Jezebel-
The jezebel is seen as the floozie, she sleeps with men to get what she wants. She's highly desirable by both white and black men.

The Buck-
The buck, or sometimes known as brute, is the aggressive black man, he's strong, big and violent, and is often portrayed as simple. White people fear the buck.

The Sapphire-
The Sapphire is the feisty black women, she often carries weapons and is desired by men. She is strong and independent, and she uses force to get her own way.  

The Gangster-
The gangster or thug, is generally the leader of the group, geared up with weapons and has a lot of money and power. Usually deals drugs and has followers. 

The Athlete-
The athlete is the sport, fit black man who dominates in all sporting activities. 

Above are various black stereotypes that have appeared within the media repeatedly through the years and are still being used today.  Theorist Stuart Hall has done extensive research on Black film culture and the importance of there stereotypes, the link below takes you to a short clip from a documentary Hall has done. The clip outlines Halls views on why people of different skin colours get treated differently. 
I believe stereotypes are necessary within film, they give meaning to the characters as well as representing specific cultural ideas. I do however think that stereotyping is  often morally wrong, as its generally used to show people as outsiders, it marks people as different and often in a derogatory fashion.  

Jhally, S (Director).(1997) Stuart Hall- Race, the floating signifier, Retrieved from 

Word Count 504


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

